
C8 Corvette Attracts Crowd While Ferrari 488 Looks Rather Lonely

C8 Corvette Attracts Crowd While Ferrari 488 Looks Rather Lonely

C8 Corvette Attracts Crowd While Ferrari 488 Looks Rather Lonely

C8 Corvette vs Ferrari 488

Do we have photographic evidence that suggests Ferrari is old hat compared to a C8, or is it just a case of newness?

A funny thing happened when the C8 Corvette debuted a few months back. People immediately began comparing the new mid-engine machine to some pretty pricey exotics, from McLarens to Ferraris. Not just because of the layout, mind you, but also because it’s a great looking car with an unbeatable performance-to-price ratio. But still, it’s fair to wonder if folks will really flock to the new Corvette like they would an exotic. But when you see pictures like the one posted by Corvette Forum member Billykvette in this thread, it certainly looks like that’s the reality.

“I went to visit some friends at NJMP the other week during one of their open track days and decided to park behind this Ferrari 488. It was crazy to see the reaction people had to the C8 when there was a beautiful Ferrari 488 just sitting there. I know it is because the C8 is new and there aren’t a lot of them running around. But I thought this picture was really awesome (and kind of funny).”

C8 Corvette

The OP is certainly right about the “new” factor of the C8. But could there be other factors at play here that make the new Corvette a magnet for attention? Quite a few fellow members think so.

“This pic is not very flattering for the 488 in my opinion. The beak is loooong. The distance between the front wheels and the front of the bumper is awkward in this photo. Probably just the photo, but I do take solace in the fact that our blue collar grade mid-engine can hold its own against the Italians,” said MaxV.

“The 488 already looks dated,” added C8Jake.

“To be honest, I came very close to ordering a 488. But for $265k, with no power seats? And then lose $100k in 3-4 yrs? No thanks. I actually like the look of my C8 and the technology and options that come standard with it,” said Silvervette73.

C8 Corvette

Then again, many others rightfully feel like the 488 is still a desirable car.

“Nice photos. But if I had deep pockets, 488 all the way. Bianco Avus per favore. But I don’t. So, here I am. Arctic White, please,” joked WickedFRC.

“I don’t know what you’re smoking, but if the 488 is dated, I want one,” said blackvetterz06.

“Even the older 458 doesn’t look dated. In fact, it’s one of the purest design mid-engine cars ever made. Even the C8 designers said so,” said nyca.

2020 Corvette

And as Old School points out, these pictures might have been just a result of bad timing.

“To be fair, and not taking anything away from your C8 (which looked great BTW), but the 488 was there at 7 a.m. and got plenty of eyeball. By the time you arrived around 2ish, that 488 was old hat.”

We’ll certainly find out in due time if the attention the new C8 Corvette is getting wears off as the car becomes a more common sight. But in the meantime, we’re curious to head what you think. So head over HERE and tell us if you think the C8 is a serious competitor to cars like the 488, or if this sensation will prove short-lived!

Photos: Corvette Forum


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