
Black C8 Corvette Was Probably a Bad Choice for This Owner

Black C8 Corvette Was Probably a Bad Choice for This Owner

Black C8 Corvette Was Probably a Bad Choice for This Owner

Black C8 Corvette

We’ve heard cautionary tales about buying black vehicles for years, but this poor Corvette is a great visual reminder.

Of the many old sayings in the automotive enthusiast world, one of the most famous concerns cars painted black. It warns us never to buy one in this hue, because black shows every little imperfection, and it’s incredibly hard to keep clean. But still, many of us buy black vehicles because we love the way they look. Unfortunately, the owner of this particular black C8 was probably regretting his choice mere weeks after buying the car. The story begins when Corvette Forum member BMadden posted a video of the poor, battered C8 in this thread.

“Wanna see a C8 that’s been abused? This paint looks like it has 170,000 miles on it instead of 1,700. I’ve never seen so many rock chips and scratches on such a low mileage car. Where the hell was this guy driving it, and why is he even bothering with PPF now?”

Many other members chime in to share their horror stories about owning black cars. But 19/C7Z is willing to try it again thanks to paint protection film.

“It’s called ‘unforgiving black.’ The best, but the worst. I went there with a weekend car before. Found myself taking it out less and less because I couldn’t stand it in the sun. Had several panels repainted over time. The fix? Two choices – buy a different color car, or learn to live with the swirls and imperfections in direct sunlight. Now they have PPF – what a savior. I would consider a black car again, except in my head that color option would be about $5k extra to cover the PPF install.”

Black C8 Corvette

For C8fnatic, this Corvette owner’s woes can be used as a lesson for those that want to PPF their own car.

“So it looks like the best areas to PPF on the C8 are the front bumper and the area just in front of the rear wheels? The rockers (below the doors) were not too bad. Same goes for the hood and front fenders.”

Black C8 Corvette

Member cmonkey713 believes that certain stipulations need to be met for anyone wanting to own a black Corvette.

“Corvette buyers should be interviewed and required to take detail classes before being allowed to buy a black Corvette. Black is not a color, it is a career!”

Black C8

It’s interesting to see the various responses in this thread. Some members feel like this is normal for any black car, while others believe the abuse this poor Corvette has suffered is cruel and unusual. As such, we’re curious to hear what you think about it. So head over here and join in on this interesting discussion!


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