
What Does the C8 Z06 Need to Take Down the Established Exotics?

What Does the C8 Z06 Need to Take Down the Established Exotics?

What Does the C8 Z06 Need to Take Down the Established Exotics?

C8 and 600 LT

The regular C8 is already competitive with much more expensive rides, but what is needed to put the Z06 version over the top?

Our forums always contain a wealth of interesting content. One of the more recent threads was started by forum member EasyLivin. The thread is the aptly named HERE’S WHAT THE 2022 C8 Z06 NEEDS TO TAKE DOWN EXOTICS! – Speed Phenom. We all know that the C8 we have available to us today is already capable of going toe to toe with exotic cars. Although these exotics may cost many times more than the Corvette, the Corvette can beat or hang with them anytime and anyplace. It is an impressive feat that has been discussed many times since the C8 release. The folks at Chevy are just getting started though. More powerful and higher performance cars such as the Z06 are on the way.

This forum post begins with a simple link to a YouTube video posted by Speed Phenom, also known as Austin Everett. In this video, Everett compares his C8 Corvette to his 600LT McLaren. During the comparison, he begins to suggest ways that the C8 Z06 could be further sharpened to feel more like a true exotic car. Of course, the easiest way that Chevy could make the Z06 feel more like an exotic is charge $250,000 for it. However, although price is naturally a factor, what tangible changes could be made? What can take the C8 from amazing sportscar to world-beating exotic supercar?

C8 side

Everett starts at the end. Well, the rear end of the car, the trunk to be exact. “If you want to be track-focused there is no need for this huge trunk in the back.” Says Everett. The amazing thing about the standard C8 is that it performs so well and is so practical. Yes, you could track it as well as take it to the golf club. But in a Z06, what should be a hard-core track model, does that trunk need to be retained? No, it doesn’t. Space can be cut to save weight or used for active aero, or other bits to help make the car faster.

C8 Rear

Later Everett talks about weight savings. He points out that his Corvette is some 700 pounds heavier than his 600 LT. That is obviously a massive difference and one that certainly can be felt on track. Now a big reason for this is that McLaren makes extensive use of carbon fiber. That cuts the weight, but also ups the price. The folks at Chevy could incorporate some more carbon fiber for sure, but they are not going to be able to sell a quarter of a million-dollar car. They must strike a balance. What Everett suggests is cutting weight on the interior. “Alcantara can be as much as 50 percent lighter than leather. So, having a full Alcantara interior in the C8 could make a world of a difference.” Says Everett. We don’t think there is 700 pounds worth of leather in the Corvette, but we get the point.

C8 Engine

Of course, the big hitter here is power. “Coming to the engine, this is the sole part of this car that is holding it back from being able to compete with the McLaren.” Says Everett. It is really a sign of the times where a nearly 500 horsepower car is considered underpowered for track use. It is not underpowered of course and will demolish most other cars. However, we are talking upper echelon here. That is the target of the Z06. If it comes packing another 100 or 200 horsepower, that is really going to be a game changer. Combined with less weight, and a mid-engine setup, the Z06 could very well be one of the fastest track cars to buy at any price.

What do you think? How would you build the Z06? Checkout the forum thread and chime in with your thoughts on what the Z06 needs to take down some of the exotics. If the regular C8 is any guide, the Z06 is going to blow some doors off.


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