
Last Chance to Vote for the CorvetteForum C8 Corvette of the Year!

Last Chance to Vote for the CorvetteForum C8 Corvette of the Year!

Last Chance to Vote for the CorvetteForum C8 Corvette of the Year!

zr kaizen C8 Corvette of the Year entry

With up to 10 finalists in the Modified and UNmodified categories, C8 Corvette of the Year voting ends December 29.

The 2020 Corvette Forum Corvette of the Year contest has been such a blast, but it’s nearly over now as we seek to crown our C8 Corvette of the Year winners. Looking at and reading about our readers’ gorgeous Corvettes all day is hard work, but someone has to do it.  And, there’s a lot at stake. Entrants not only get the chance to win the ultimate bragging rights of owning the best modified or unmodified Corvette in a particular generation, but also a chance to win the overall Corvette of the Year designation.

Not terribly surprising given the C8’s newness, we had a bunch of unmodified entries and only a handful of modified C8s. And now we need YOUR HELP to pick our two winners, who will join the C1-C7 winners for a chance to be crowned… CORVETTE – OF – THE – YEAR!

  • To vote for the MODIFIED C8 Corvette of the Year, head over HERE by December 29
  • To vote for the UNmodified C8 Corvette of the Year, head over HERE by December 29

Modified C8 Corvette of the Year Finalists


pbbarrows C8 Corvette


JMills C8 Corvette


fastrx7man modified C8 Corvette of the Year


jimmies63 C8 Corvette

UNModified C8 Corvette of the Year Finalists


Hillslam C8 Corvette

zr kaizen

zr kaizen C8 Corvette of the Year entry


Strake C8 Corvette


narren776 C8 Corvette


FLYNPCH C8 Corvette


BC C8 C8 Corvette of the Year entry


rm50 C8 Corvette


jagamajajaran C8 Corvette

Sin City

Sin City C8 Corvette


07VertMan C8 Corvette

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