Does Your C8 Corvette’s Front Lift Have a Leak? Here’s the Fix!
Does Your C8 Corvette’s Front Lift Have a Leak? Here’s the Fix!
Does Your C8 Corvette’s Front Lift Have a Leak? Here’s the Fix!
Corvette expert Rick Conti reveals how customers can solve a very common issue with the C8’s Front Lift Suspension system.
We’ve already talked about how C8 Corvette’s Front Lift system is one of the most impressive suspension features on the new sports car, but as it turns out, many customers have grievances about a particular fault in this system. Rick Conti is a leading authority on all things Corvette, and in his latest webisode, Conti addressed the issue of a Front Lift suspension leak
Many CorvetteForummembers have been discussing possible solutions to this problem since last month. Conti reveals that the most common cause of a Front Lift suspension leak is a cap with a vent hole, on the inside, which leaks fluid when the liquid is forced up into the cap. This usually happens when the car is on an incline.
Rick also discussed how this issue has scared customers from opting for the feature. Rick said, “A lot of people were freaking out on different forum boards, and stuff like that.” He further added, “In fact somebody I can call a friend, a good past customer- John from South Carolina- when we finalized his order in January, he says Rick I’m real concerned about this Front Lift and it hadn’t yet been identified what it was.”
It’s very likely that most of the new C8 models already have a new cap which does not have the same problem. Chevrolet has also issued a bulletin addressing the problem, and the replacement cap costs around $62 to $66. In the #N202321570 bulletin, Chevrolet disclosed that there are only 149 vehicles that require the cap to be replaced.
The part number for the new cap is #85165040. “If you need them, you’ll be on this list when they run your VIN number. There’s a possibility you still can get one if you think that you need it. You can look at the cap when you take it off the front lift reservoir, and in the center, there’s a little pinhole. Okay, so if you got that pinhole that’s a venting hole, then yeah you probably wanna get the new cap,” said Conti.