
Police Troll C8 Corvette Owner Who Rolled into Cranberry Bog

Police Troll C8 Corvette Owner Who Rolled into Cranberry Bog

Police Troll C8 Corvette Owner Who Rolled into Cranberry Bog

Wrecked C8 Corvette

Thankfully, the owner of this wrecked C8 Corvette is unharmed save for a severe burn courtesy of the local police.

Folks have been wrecking the C8 Corvette essentially since the day it launched a couple of years ago, not that this surprises us one bit. After all, there are many who just aren’t cut out to drive fast cars, a fact that we’re reminded of on a nearly daily basis. And while these wrecks are quickly memorialized via the internet – at the expense of the owners’ pride – it isn’t often that even responding police departments and emergency crews get in on the fun. However, that was the case recently after a C8 Corvette lost control and rolled through a cranberry bog in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

While it didn’t provide too many details about this particular incident, the Plymouth Police Department did take the time to poke fun at the person driving this particular C8 Corvette and its now sad state. “A beautiful 2021 Corvette should never be used as an instrument to make cranberry sauce,” it wrote in a post on Facebook. “Earlier today, this Corvette became ‘the one that you find in a second hand store…’ (Song reference in comments please). We certainly would not be making light of this if anyone was hurt. The operator walked away with a criminal citation for negligent operation and some cranberry stains on his ‘Members Only’ jacket. Way too fast. Thank God no one was hurt.”

Plenty of folks joined in on the fun in the comments, including one who said “he was trying to turn his white Corvette into a ‘little red Corvette’ ooh oooh ooh,” and another who quipped “was the driver’s name Nikki? (That’s another related song reference BTW).”

Prince and other musical artist references aside, it’s difficult to tell just how much damage this C8 suffered from its tumble, but we’re guessing that it’s a lot, given the fact that it landed upside down in the water. We can assume that the driver was simply traveling too fast for conditions, as is often the case, but at least they walked away from their mistake seemingly unscathed, save for one particular vicious burn from the local P.D.

Photos: Plymouth Police Department


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