
C7 Corvette Smashes Into Pole, Sends Transformer Flying Into Box Truck in Horrific Crash

C7 Corvette Smashes Into Pole, Sends Transformer Flying Into Box Truck in Horrific Crash

C7 Corvette Smashes Into Pole, Sends Transformer Flying Into Box Truck in Horrific Crash

C7 Corvette Crash

This tragic accident involving a speeding C7 Corvette could have been much worse, but it also could have been avoided altogether.

We’ve seen our fair share of terrible and downright spectacular crashes involving Corvettes, many of which are caused by inexperienced, risk-taking drivers – whether they be behind the wheel of the sports car or another one that smashed into it. Sometimes, this leaves the car mangled beyond recognition, or even split in half. However, this recent crash involving a C7 Corvette in Macomb County, Michigan is a bit more tragic than most, though it could have been much, much, worse, as Fox 2 News explains.

As we’ve unfortunately seen time and time again, this particular crash happened when the C7 Corvette driver was trying to pass a box truck, at which point they lost control, slid off the road, and smashed into a pole. We’ve seen this type of accident many times before, but in this instance, the force of the impact actually sent the transformer from the power pole flying through the air, at which point it smashed into the box truck’s roof and windshield area.

C7 Corvette Crash

Amazingly, the driver of the box truck walked away unscathed, but noted that if he had been sitting slightly different at the time, that might not have been the case. He was certainly incredibly lucky, but the same cannot be said for the C7 Corvette driver, who passed away as a result of his injuries, while the car itself was split in half from the sheer force of it hitting the pole at high speed. A local resident named Mary Greet witnessed the crash and was understandably amazed by what they saw, but also noted that speeding is a big problem in the area, too.

C7 Corvette Crash

“When I saw that my heart just dropped to my stomach,” Greet said. “I am just amazed that he made it out, that he jumped out of that van like he did. It’s incredible. It’s incredible, but the speeds around here are pretty high. People are always in a hurry. It’s just an act of God that anyone made it out.”

C7 Corvette Crash

While this particular crash has a tragic, sad ending, it’s also a very important reminder – though Corvettes are a ton of fun to drive, they aren’t exempt from physics or bad decisions, and we must treat them with the respect that they deserve.


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