VIDEO: The BEST Way to Keep Strangers from Touching Your Corvette!
VIDEO: The BEST Way to Keep Strangers from Touching Your Corvette!
VIDEO: The BEST Way to Keep Strangers from Touching Your Corvette!
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With many folks eager to take a selfie with this C8 Corvette, this owner found the perfect way to scare strangers off. (Hilarious.)
While not all of us own and drive cool cars because we’re seeking attention, it’s always a good feeling when folks notice and appreciate our taste in that regard. However, driving an attention-grabbing vehicle like the C8 Corvette isn’t always an experience ripe with affection from people that respect your property – rather, for reasons unknown, people feel the need to touch our cars, whether that be at a show or while it’s parked at the grocery store. Many have debated the best way to handle this nuisance, but it seems as if Eidan Sanker has figured out one way to do it that’s quite humorous.
Sanker simply stood nearby and recorded people as they approached his heavily customized C8, and when they touch it, he hits the remote start button, startling all of them in some way, shape, or form. A few of the folks are legitimately surprised and scared when the car’s LT2 roars to life, and one lady even drops her beer. Others aren’t terribly phased by the whole thing, which is interesting given the fact that the car is pretty loud.
While these reactions are obviously pretty funny, some commenters have pointed out that they think the video is staged. It’s tough to say if that’s the case or not, but some of the reactions look real, while others have a bit of a delay. We’ll leave the final determination up to the experts, and just enjoy the short clip for what it is – pure entertainment.
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What is rather alarming about this video is just how many people have the gall to walk up and put their greasy mitts on a stranger’s car, all in the name of taking a selfie with it. This kind of behavior is quite common, even though it goes against not only basic principles of respecting other people’s property, but also one of the golden rules among automotive enthusiasts. Regardless, at least there’s one way to stop it – with just the press of a button.